
Friday, November 4, 2011

Blog Fail

You know you are failing at Blogging when your mother calls you to let you know you haven't been posting enough.

Thanks, Mom.

I have been terrible about blogging lately.
We have been really busy with work and family time, but I don't want to go on and on about it because complaining is something I've been working on lately.  I feel like there is way too much of it in the world, considering that the people who, in my opinion, have reason to complain are usually the ones who don't.  How does that work?  I'm definitely guilty of doing my share of it and have no reason to do it.  Anyway, enough of that. We are blessed beyond measure.
I've gotten into the mind set that I can't post anything without a tutorial. I really like making tutorials, having an excuse to craft a lot, and love finding tutorials for things I want to make online on other blogs. However, it gets expensive. The other day I found myself going to the store to buy something and thought, "Well, I have to get this because I have to blog it". Whaaaaaat?! That'ssodumb. I read a post yesterday and someone said they started thinking, "Well, if I don't blog it, it didn't really happen".  Hilarious, because I am sure there are other people besides this person and myself who feel that way.  I feel like I don't have anything worth saying and people won't read it if I don't show them how to do something when, in reality, my favorite blogs to follow every day are the ones that aren't tutorial-driven at all. Sure, pictures make things more interesting, but my favorite blogs are about life.

So, I've decided I will obviously still craft and make tutorials (it's in ma blood people!), but I will mix in some random posts about our life. So, really no change, just more posts. I hope you are as nosey as I am (I think this is why I like life posts so much. I get to know peoples biz-nas) and like to stalk... I will indulge.

I think part of my problem lies in wanting to aspire to be an super-blogger.  You know, the ones that are pretty much profesh.  Don't get me wrong, I love them, but most of them are written by SAH Moms or professional photographers and bloggers.  I am not at all saying that stay at home moms have all the time in the world.  I am a very firm believer that staying at home with children is a full time/overtime job in itself.  Nonetheless, it seems these people have perfect lives, perfect homes, perfect husbands, perfect kids, and the perfect life (and guess what?  I have none of those things!  My husband is pretty grand, though!).  I know this is not true and hold fast to it, but it sure does seem that way.  My friend Julia sent me an article that I found both true and hilarious:  Why I can't stop reading Mormon housewife blogs by Emily Matchar.

I am guilty (not that there is anything to be guilty of) of the same thing- stalking countless Mormon mommy blogs daily.  What's the deal?  Why are all the spectacular bloggers Mormon?  I love them, and they have wonderful ideas.  I wish I could be that perfect (or at least seem that way).  I wish, with all that is in me, that these people and their families would come to know the true Christ.

Oh well, I guess perfection (or the sense of it!) will never come to this gal. I'm not sure when I had the idea that it might.  This blog of mine will probably always be an outlet for my mom to see our daily lives since she lives so far away, which is what it was supposed to be in the first place.  And you know what, I am totally fine with that.  =)


  1. 1. Funny article! Thanks for sharing...

    2. Do you use the "schedule" option for your posts? This has been a life saver for me! I usually write several posts when I have time and then schedule them over the next week or so. It's great because I don't have to worry if I don't have time to get online for several days.

    3. I've decided we should go into business together when you become a stay-at-home mom. I want to open a baby/mommy store... lol

  2. You can make $20 for completing a 20 minute survey!

    Guess what? This is exactly what large companies are paying for. They need to know what their customer base needs and wants. So big companies pay $1,000,000's of dollars per month to the average person. In return, the average person, myself included, fills out surveys and gives them their opinion.
