I have noticed a huge difference in my body these past 2 weeks! I didn't have a huge shift from trimester 1 to trimester 2- my nausea went away around week 10 and I slowly started feeling normal again. My belly was slowly getting bigger, but I think some people just though I was fat (awesome feeling btw.. not).
Anyway, the noticeable shift from second to third trimester happened almost to-the-day. I woke up at about 27 weeks and 4 days to WOAH, hello body changes. Here are some things I am feeling now!
- Round ligament pain and the whole "relaxin" thing is out of control. I seriously feel like my pelvis is broken! Definitely not contractions, just this feeling that my hips are being ripped apart (I have had hip issues in the past so I think that makes it worse). It mostly happens at night, or when I have been out running around all day. When I get out of bed to pee at night, I feel like I am about to fall over! But, sleep always makes it much better. Been doing some stretches that have helped, too. I think my body is finally feeling the extra weight it has to support-I carry it all in front and can definitely tell!
- Braxton Hicks! A few weeks ago random people and the OB were asking me if I had had any and to watch for them- I always responded with "Um, I don't know?", which told me I probably hadn't had any. They just started, too. Nothing to write home about-maybe 1 or 2 every other night and they last maybe 20 seconds.
- I know I said this at 26 weeks but her movements! So fun. I used to have to lie on my back to see them, now I can see her moving while I am sitting, standing, laying down. It's so much fun (did I already say that?). My OB taught me how to feel and figure out how she is positioned (I'm a dummy and I just cannot tell), so we do that every once in a while. Passing kick counts with flying colors and kicking me in the boobs still. The dog pounced at my belly once and she kicked him back. So cute!
- When she asks what I craved while I was pregnant (doesn't every kid do that?), it will most definitely be fruit. I eat so much that the doctor said I could cut down a bit if I wanted to (I think I was eating 6-8 servings of fruit every day)! I haven't been the best about vegetables (even though I really love them), so we've been changing our diet a little bit.
- We finally finished the wainscoting in the nursery, so we have just a bookshelf to build and some decorating to do!
- None of my clothes fit. Like, we've got maybe 6 outfits going for us. I refuse to buy anything else it is dirt cheap. My uniform consists of leggings, a tank top, and a cardigan. Every. Day.
- We have everything we need for the hospital now, but we have 2 more trips before the end of August (and need our luggage), so bags are not packed yet.
- We attempted maternity pics. We might have a handful that are acceptable for use, but I cried the whole way home because I look HUGE in them. So glad we used our own camera and didn't pay someone to do them. Note to self- even real pregnant people don't look like the "pregnant" models in magazines!
- We have all of our baby showers this month! Can't wait. Showers are so much fun! I'm going to do a post on our cloth diapers soon before we possibly get any at our showers so you can see what we purchased an how we afforded them.