Thursday, October 3, 2013

36 and 37 Weeks

A look back at 36 and 37 weeks....

These weeks have been a total change physically.  I have noticed that both my pelvis and feet really take a beating during the day and I have a hard time getting comfortable at night and while I "sleep"/coma induce myself with Tylenol PM.  My pelvic floor is sore and sometimes I think I am going to poop that baby out.  Even when things are sore or achy, I love them.  I love being able to see and feel the differences in my body as she grows and her little home in there adapts.  It is so fun!  I have had this random thought throughout my entire pregnancy- every time I go to the bathroom and -ehem- wipe something, I have a mental image of her arm reaching out and grabbing my hand.  It's terrifying and plays in my mind literally every time I go to the bathroom, but I assure you it has yet to happen.  I have never had a problem with swelling this pregnancy (well, except for when we flew to Europe at 20 weeks, but walking fixed it in a day), but if I spend a lot of time on my feet even doing housework or running errands to hoard soap and food for post baby (which happens a lot!), I end the day with chubby toes and wake up in the morning feeling like I have Flintstone feet (the bottoms hurt!).
I wouldn't say that my hands look swollen, but my wedding ring is officially off and not going back on.  I feel like people look at me like I am 16 and pregger, but sorry.  It's too tight!
I have been crazy nesting (like, vacuuming the walls again and wiping down all the doors and baseboards in the house with a Magic Eraser- Oh, and vacuuming out the freezers nobigdeel).  I have been having a ball with it!  I am still feeling sad that this pregnancy is almost over for me, but definitely feeling increasingly excited to finally hold and mother this girl, see the love of my life be a Dad.  I have still been needy emotionally with Daniel, which I am sure he is sick of.  I read in a book sometime ago that women want to be coddled and loved on right before and after they give birth.  I thought that was kind of silly, but it is totally true for me!  He of course has been doing a very good job =)
A new thing for me these weeks has been a little anxiety.  As I have realized how close we are to the birth, I am feeling some fear about actually giving birth.  I know what is going to happen (well, to a point... you know what I mean!) and what the books and blogs tell me to expect.  I think having never done it before and knowing it is going to hurt scares me just a little.  I am sure I will be in good hands and Daniel will be hovering, so it will be okay.  Just can't wait for that gooey baby to get put on my chest and cry our eyes out.  I have had times of almost panic realizing that these are our final days as a twosome.  I know we are about to experience blessings and joy that are completely amazing and that we have been waiting and praying for for years, but knowing such a big change is on the horizon is both exciting and a little terrifying.  I worry I won't be a good Mom, that I will forget to feed her, and that I will leave her somewhere.  No one tells you those pre-wedding nightmares one day turn into pre-baby nightmares!

We completely finished the nursery during week 37 and it feels so wonderful.  I love how it came together and the happiness I feel being in there.  It's just a sweet room. Honestly, I thought I would have had everything done earlier than I did, but it worked out well and kept me busy during these last few weeks. Once I vacuumed it for the final time, I told Daniel I was a little sad I was done and he said "NO.  NO MORE PROJECTS!"  Can't keep a girl from her sewing machine I will tell you that!  We have no bibs, so I bought some fabric for that and I wanted to start on making some Christmas presents for her.  That should help pass the time.
The car seat is installed (with a mirror for me to see her and a shade, of course!) and our hospital bags are packed, minus the "last minute grab items" like my makeup and curling iron (yes, I am vain and will fix myself before pictures!  Judge me #idontcare).  I am working on a hospital bag post now so I will share it soon.

My Group B Strep came back negative (woohoo!) and I am having more and more contractions at night.  They are pretty constant, not rhythmic, so not really timing them yet.  I am going to miss her in my belly, but to see her face- can't help but cry just thinking of it.  Can't wait for this baby girl!

Things to work on during week 38-
  • Actually post a time-accurate weekly update (faillll)
  • Load hospital bags in the car
  • Finish our labor music play list
  • Stay on top of laundry and iron all of Daniel's shirts (he really doesn't wear anything besides button up shirts anymore!  sohot)
  • Sew some bibs/Christmas Dolls to keep busy
  • Fill out (what we can) of Baby Book
  • Blog nursery and hospital bag

It's almost time!


  1. Ignore the looks of being 16 and pregnant. People are ridiculous. You are cracking me up. I can't wait to see your baby girl!


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