Thursday, April 18, 2013

First Tri Baby Buys

I did a Week 5 Baby Buys, and then I never did another one.  So, considering I just got into the second trimester (so thankful), here are a few things we have invested in up to this point. 

  1. Hoover Steerable Wind Tunnel Air.  And, how is this for baby?  We had a really junky thrift-store clunker I bought for $20 that smelled like burnt hair that we had been using for several years.  We are in the process of shampooing and cleaning the carpets for Bebe, which means we have to vacuum first and this old one wasn't cutting it.  So, my sweet man went and bought me a new one.  WE LOVE IT.
  2. Best Chairs Quin Swivel Glider in Mist.  We had been debating comfort vs. rocking for the nursery, and finally found a chair that is both.  Love the color.  Gets delivered May 10.  Need for find a cute ottoman for my feets!
  3. Ultrasound Frame.  Daniel is an Civil Engineer, which = construction.  I bought it for him off of eBay for his office so that he could frame all of our ultrasound pictures.  It's darling!  I can't find it anymore, but it was only like $8.
  4. SMITTEN BABY on Totsy!!  One of my all time favorite baby brands so far (I have one already?  Love it).  I bought two wetbags from them and they are great.  Their colors and prints are gorgeous. Totsy has them as a deal of the week for the next TWO DAYS only.  Go check it out!  These are changing pad covers, which I know I can register for, but I have never seen on I like.  I bought these two colors because they match our nursery color pallet perfectly.  Two for when one is in the wash!
  5. Leachco Pregnancy Pillow.  Suckers retail for $50 and I got mine at a consignment sale for $10 and sewed a new cover for it for $5.  I love the support!
  6. Preggers Clothes.  I found some great skinny maternity jeans secondhand from a store and then on eBay (I loved them so much I had to buy another pair and they are discontinued.  =(  They are Loved by Heidi Klum for Motherhood Maternity) and scored some great basics (maxi skirts and leggings anyone!?) from Old Navy.  Good deals.
  7. CLOOTTHHH DIAPPPPERRRS.  I am slightly addicted to buying these!  I found this construction print (see #3) of the Charlie Banana One Size at our Target, 3 Applecheeks from LilTulips, and a few off of Craigslist (which my husband thinks is disgusting and "we can afford new diapers for our baby", but they were such a great deal-barely used if not brand new-and it's called a washing machine!). Two Size 0 Kissaluvs ($5 each!  Great deal), 1 NEW Bummis Super Whisper Wrap ($4), and 2 NEW Rumparooz Lil Joey AIO ($10 each).  Newborn stash is ready to go!


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