Monday, June 25, 2012

Kurowski Recipe Series

I haven't posted anything in three weeks.  Sorry for that.  Hope has been hard to come by during the last month.  I wish I could be the kind of person that can stare fear, mourning, and disappointment in the face and refuse to let it govern my emotions, but sometimes it just doesn't work.  I am a fallen human.
I'm visiting my parents in Charleston, SC this week and was in the kitchen cooking a family recipe with my mom.  It got me to thinking how fun it is to have family traditions, which ones I do and want to keep as we have our own family, and which ones we will create on our own.
So, I thought, a blog series with a bunch of family recipes would be fun-things we grew up on and things I look forward to eating when we get together.  I will post a few each week in the hopes of having something to do and treats to pass around to those I love.  I hope you can find the energy and time to try a few or call to mind some memories if they are similar to recipes you cherish within your own family.
Tomorrow I will post our first recipe!


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