Saturday, September 24, 2011


I absolutely love Kari Jobe.  Daniel and I were at a wedding for a couple we were friends with in college, and they had some family members sing "My Beloved".  Gorgeous.  I had to find out who it was by and, there I was, listening to Kari Jobe. love her.  Daniel bought me her CD (well, the most recent one) for my birthday a few years ago and I think I know the whole thing, by heart, from start to finish.
I was out thrifting on Tuesday (Daniel has night classes, so I take my time getting home from school and make a few weekly stops =D) and was listening to a local Christian radio station- and Kari was on it!  She sang some songs from her new album and mentioned her new tour dates.  Holla!  She comes to Missouri/Kansas in December and my sweet husband might be taking me (unbeknownst to him!).  Both nights are titled "Christian Night of Worship"- please and thank you! (by the way, the first day of fall means Christmas music season has begun in our house.  Consider this a warning!).
Anyway, my all time favorite song is Pure by Kari Jobe.  I thought I'd share the lyrics and the video so you can listen.  During times of just pure rottenness in the past few years, this song has helped me focus on the love, grace, and assurance I have in my relationship with Christ.  When I first accepted Christ, I was naturally drawn to topcis and verses of the Bible that focused on how much God loved me, how much he delighted in me, and how his mercies towards me were new every single morning (either typical of new Christians or coming from a girl with a serious low self esteem and all of the self-loathing behaviors that come with it-which the Lord healed!).  While those things are all definitely true and awesome, I feel like God slowly started teaching me that while, yes, He loves me and nothing can separate me from his love and promise, it's not about me.  My heart kind of transformed over time to absolutely adore learning about his majesty, his holiness, and who He is, not what He can do for me.  Even if He didn't love me as much as He does or watch over us like He does, He would still be worthy of 100% of my love, worship, and obedience.  Learning about God's holiness and the majesty of a Savior makes me think, the God who created the universe with just a word, who cares and watches over billions of people all at the same time, who can do all things, who can send his perfect Son to save- HE made a way for us to spend eternity with Him all on his own, requiring nothing more than that we believe and follow?  Who does that?  My God, that's who!

Here are a few verses that I've been praying through lately.  How blessed we are that God left His Word for us!

Psalm 8:3-5
When I consider your heavens,
   the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
   which you have set in place,
What is mankind that you are mindful of them,
   human beings that you care for them?

You have made them a little lower than the angels
   and crowned them with glory and honor. 

 Isaiah 6:1-3
 In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord, high and exalted, seated on a throne; and the train of his robe filled the temple. Above him were seraphim, each with six wings: With two wings they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they were flying. And they were calling to one another:
   “Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty;
   the whole earth is full of his glory.” 

I don't mean to sound morbid, but I cannot wait for the day when I am there and can see this- to worship the Lord of all with people I love.  There is no greater joy!

Anyway, here is Pure by Kari Jobe.  Listening to it just makes my heart warm!
I hope it blesses you as much as it does me!

Your love is pure
Your love is precious
Your love is all I need
Your love surrounds me
Your love astounds me
Your love is everything.

I run to you
My heart is weak
I cling to you
You're all I see
It's my hearts desire
To be close to you
Here in your arms
I'll find my strength.

Your love is pure
Your love is precious
Your love is all i need
Your love surrounds me
Your love astounds me
Your love is everything.

I run to you
My heart is weak
I cling to you
You're all I see
It's my hearts desire
To be close to you
Here in your arms
I'll find my strength.


  1. We used to sing this at the church we went to up north! It's been a long time since I've heard it. Thanks for posting it! :)


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